New PE definitions of the Austrian Ministry of Finance

With the publication of the Austrian Transfer Pricing Guidelines 2021, the most recent developments on an OECD level related to the definition of a permanent establishment (PE) were partially implemented in Austrian taxation practice.   PE definition in Austrian and international contexts Austrian tax law defines the existence of a PE in several different ways: […]


New Austrian legislation on homeworking and its implications for payroll

On 24 February 2021, the Austrian National Council approved the 2nd COVID-19 Tax Measures Act, which provides for non-taxable reimbursement of costs by the employer and a flat rate deduction for business expenses for the employee if homeworking (so-called “home office”) has been agreed. After a year of working from home due to COVID-19, employees or works […]


Is Home Office the new Trojan Horse?

When the COVID-19 pandemic swept across Europe, more than a few companies faced a challenge that they had put off, or rather overslept, for far too long in the course of the highly discussed  digital transformation: Am I able to let all of my employees work from home ? Assuming that you have provided your […]


COVID-19 as an accelerator of digital collaboration

Suddenly, the exception has become the rule. This applies to many areas during this coronavirus pandemic – and to the world of work in particular. In the past (before the present crisis), many companies had already addressed the topics of working from home, remote working, or virtual teams. But these issues have been moved up […]


Wage tax and social security relief measures in the 3rd Austrian COVID-19 Act

1. Tax-free allowance for bonuses and special payments employees receive in connection with the COVID-19 crisis (Section 124 subpara 350 Austrian Income Tax Act (EStG), Section 49 para 3 subpara 30 Austrian General Social Insurance Act (ASVG)) An allowance of up to EUR 3,000, free from both income tax and social security contributions, will be granted in the calendar year 2020 […]
