Back to business as usual?

These unprecedented times have brought insecurity and new risks. A variety of new measures have changed the way we live our lives. Most of us have never experienced anything like social distancing, a concept and approach which has significant implications for many working activities. Politicians and business leaders must take decisions which they have not […]


COVID-19 as an accelerator of digital collaboration

Suddenly, the exception has become the rule. This applies to many areas during this coronavirus pandemic – and to the world of work in particular. In the past (before the present crisis), many companies had already addressed the topics of working from home, remote working, or virtual teams. But these issues have been moved up […]


Wage tax and social security relief measures in the 3rd Austrian COVID-19 Act

1. Tax-free allowance for bonuses and special payments employees receive in connection with the COVID-19 crisis (Section 124 subpara 350 Austrian Income Tax Act (EStG), Section 49 para 3 subpara 30 Austrian General Social Insurance Act (ASVG)) An allowance of up to EUR 3,000, free from both income tax and social security contributions, will be granted in the calendar year 2020 […]
